New Book Alert!

Every Ounce of Courage: A Daughter’s Reflections On Her Mother’s Bravery – Elizabeth Ann Besa-Quirino

A food and history memoir with Filipino recipes

Available worldwide on most online bookstores in paperback and eBook.

It began with an unexpected phone call and a startling statement: “You don’t know me, but your mother saved my life.”

The late night conversation with an American World War II veteran revealed to Elizabeth Ann Besa Quirino the untold stories of her mother’s remarkable wartime heroism and sparked a twenty-year journey of discovery about her lifelong acts of bravery and compassion.

Lourdes “Lulu” Reyes Besa channeled the heartbreak of a childhood tragedy into a profound sense of compassion and service. She helped raise three brothers while still a child herself in the early years of the 20th century. Then, as a young socialite in the heydays of 1930s Manila, she focused on meaningful philanthropy and charity work. During the merciless Japanese occupation of the Philippines, Lulu embarked unflinchingly on dangerous missions to bring aid and comfort that meant the difference between life and death to countless Filipino and American prisoners of war. She continued to face personal grief and adversity in the later decades of her life but met each challenge as before – with every ounce of courage, fortitude and grace.

Elizabeth Ann delved into a trove of old letters, photographs and recipes in search of the source of her mother’s courageous spirit. In Lulu’s story, she found a complex life full of joy, sorrow, selflessness and survival, and learned precious lessons about how the timeless bonds of family, the steadfast strength of faith and the power of an indomitable will can provide solace and sense in a world of uncertainty. Every Ounce of Courage by Elizabeth Ann Besa-Quirino Now available on, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Website, Walmart Online Store, and most online bookstores worldwide.

Press and Events:

Every Ounce of Courage has gained attention via press mentions and events:

 USA Inquirer.Net >

  ABS-CBN News online >

Positively Filipino magazine >

The Fil-Am >

USA Inquirer >

The Epoch Times >

The Metropolitan >

 Luxe Beat Magazine >

The Halo-Halo Review >

Book Marketing Buzz Blogspot > . review >

Motherhood Moment Blogspot >

Maida Malby Blogspot > Filipino American History Month Spotlight >

Tasting LA >,70851?fbclid=IwAR12-v5hap9Cs-Fci2FfWaylgCzMW9bA7S2iUjcZKgg4pCCKC_JafzYdZgk

Book Festivals:

The Brooklyn Book Festival 2023, New York > Panel discussion with other Asian American cookbook authors and food writers >

Book clubs:

The Boston Filipino American Book Club as a guest during their monthly book club meeting in November 2023. >


Seafood City Supermarket – The Filipino Food Channel Podcast, Episode 2 – Every Ounce of Courage >

Kitchen Confidante, Ep. 82 (October 2023) >

Women Beyond A Certain Age >

Radio Talk Show:  Listen and Be Heard, a radio talk show for authors, with host Tony Robles, Asheville, NC  –


The History of Adobo via Seafood City – mentioned the food and history memoir Every Ounce of Courage


History Book

art coloring Book